Michaela Maria Moeller

Tell us about yourself.

Since 1997, I have been operating my own studio as a freelance artist. From 1993 to 1996, I studied at the “Akademie für gestaltende Handwerke” in Aachen, Germany. Prior to that, from 1987 to 1990, I attended Glasfachschule Rheinbach and completed my apprenticeship and exam as an art-glazier.

What draws you to the material you work with?

So many endless possibilities, e.g. colored light in the room or the freezing movement of hot glass. I always discover something new for myself.

What themes do you pursue in your work, and why have you chosen the processes that you use in your work?

For some time now, I have been interested in the possibility of expanding glass by heating it on a torch or in a hot shop to answer my questions about freezing a movement and the power of expanding material.


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