Call for Applications: Open Studio Residency – Haystack Mountain School of Crafts

an artist at work on a loom

Haystack’s Open Studio Residency fosters a dynamic exchange of ideas among peers and provides two weeks of studio time and an opportunity to work in a community of makers. The program supports approximately 50 participants—from the craft field and other creative disciplines—who have uninterrupted time to work in six studios (ceramics, fiber, glass, graphics, metals, and wood) to develop ideas and experiment in various media. Participants can choose to work in one particular studio or move among them depending on their interests and the nature of their work.

Each studio is staffed by technicians who can assist with questions – please note that technicians do not lead workshops or provide instruction. In addition, for artists working in glass, glassblowing assistants are not provided, and applicants should be prepared to work independently. Individuals must be 21 years of age or older to participate in Haystack’s Open Studio Residency.

The Haystack Fab Lab is open and available, providing an opportunity for experimentation with digital fabrication as a way for residents to augment and complement their creative practices. In addition to open studios, there is time for participants to share work and discuss ideas across disciplines. Individuals working in craft, art, design, writing, and other creative disciplines—and who are self-directed and focused—are encouraged to apply.