Lene Charlotte Tangen

Tell us about yourself.

Norwegian glass artist, graduated from the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts School of Architecture, Design and Conservation in 2011. I work fulltime in my own glass studio where I mainly explore casting and cold work. I live just outside Oslo in a house in the woods surrounded by wolves, beavers and deers together with my two daughters, Serine and Lilje.

What draws you to the material you work with?

The long process of casting 🙂 starting with modeling in clay, casting and cold work till finished result. Especially the polishing prosess where my intention shows in the polished glass sculpture.

What themes do you pursue in your work, and why have you chosen the processes that you use in your work?

The Arctic environment is the main inspiration behind my sculptural work. I aim to recreate the ice structure, form and materiality in my glass sculptures and want to freeze a moment of transformation.

What is your dream project?

I would love to make more big scale works !! In 2021 I made a 240 kilo glass sculpture in cooperation with Tomas Flanderka in Czech republic. The massive glass sculpture is now sailing in the Arctic waters. I would love to make more BIG WORKS :-))

What is something about you that most people don’t know?

Prior to working with glass, I had a broad education and lived in multiple countries throughout my twenties. Besides traveling to many corners of the world as a stewardess with Scandinavian Airlines, I have lived and studied Ayurvedic medicine at a school in Sri Lanka, before deciding to pursue my dreams, working and learning about glass in the arts.

Why are you a member of GAS?

Because I love glass. 

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