Vielen Dank und Bis Später in Berlin | Thank You Very Much and See You Later to Berlin!

Recapping the Berlin 2024 Conference

We are still basking in the glow of a wonderful conference in Berlin. Over 1,000 attendees from more than 40 countries gathered for four action-packed programming days to explore new ideas and forge new friendships. We are especially excited that we had a strong European contingent and a large number of first-time conference goers–a sign that our efforts to expand internationally are being well-received. 

We heard time and time again from attendees old and new about how special this conference was; this incredible conference would not be possible without the support of our board, staff, Work Exchange helpers, and the following supporters and site committee members:


Berlin Glas, e.V
Wilhelm Studios
Flame’Off France
The Lathe Riders
Reichenbach Color

In-Kind Product + Equipment
Berlin Beads
Berlin Flameworking Studio
Bomma Cullet
Thomas Wendler Studios

Flameworking Sponsor
Mad Verre & Équipements France

Site Committee

Eric Goldschmidt
Nadania Idriss
Chris Leeuw
Jay Macdonell
Viviane Stroede

GAS Market Sponsor

Member Exhibition Sponsor
The Glass Furnace

Student Exhibition Sponsor
Warm Glass UK

Event Sponsor
Olympic Color Rods

GAS Executive Director Brandi P. Clark in front of the Reichenbach factory

Before the official conference started, 40 GAS members of our community were among the first to tour the Reichenbach Glass factory in its 150-year history. Our hosts at Reichenbach, in partnership with Olympic Color Rods, were incredibly generous and even allowed us to try rolling color bars by hand–a task that is harder than it looks!

At the Conference Kickoff, we honored members of our community and showcased the awesome power of coldworking with demonstrations by The Lathe Riders, an international coldworking collaborative.

GAS Board President Mike Saroka honors 4 outgoing board members: Nadania Idriss, Leia Guo, Debra Ruzinsky, and Frederik Rombach
Lothar Böttcher from The Lathe Riders shows off how cool coldworking is

Thursday marked the first full day of conference programming, including presentations by Claudia Virginia Vitari + Peter Kuchinke, the Littleton Lecture presentation by Silvia Levenson, and a neon demonstration by Victoria Ahmadizadeh Melendez. In the evening, attendees enjoyed the inaugural GAS Film Festival screening and our first Jewelry Trunk Show. Special thanks to our fabulous jewelry makers, who brought some extra sparkle to this event. We also announced that our 2025 Conference would be held in Arlington and Fort Worth, Texas. Conference co-chairs Clifton Crofford and Justin Ginsberg joined us to share what makes their glassmaking community so special, and we can’t wait to highlight that more during the 2025 Conference from May 14–17, 2025.

Ned Cantrell sculpted one of his fantastic inflatable balloon animals during his demo.
Simone Crestani demonstrating at the torch.
A packed house for Brenda Page's lecmo!
Student Representatives Leia Guo and Jocelyn Chan get students excited about the conference.

Friday’s programming started with Jack Gramann’s mind-blowing demo, Midday Interactive Programming centered around grant writing and small business practices, student blow slots using recycled beer bottles at the Green Pavilion, and Zach Puchowitz’s demo of one of his signature bowl designs. We gathered at the Provinzstraße Hub for the Flame Off, which brought together flameworkers from around the world as they constructed a glass chain with adornments that reflected their personal style and for Suzanne Peck and Emilia Marcjasz’s enchanting performances.

Creating with recycled glass at the furnace
Basking in the glow of Emilia Marcjasz's performance, "Bonfire".
Flameworkers took the stage at the Friday night Flame Off!
Students won fabulous prizes–like new Carlo Dona jacks–at the Student Giveaway!

It’s cliche to say, but we were truly Blown Away by Saturday’s programming, which began with a demonstration by Jonathan Capps of the glacier sculpture he created on Blown Away. Our Saxe Emerging Artists (Sadhbh Mowlds, Priscilla Kar Yee Lo, and Abegael Uffelman) presented their work, while Jinya Zhao demonstrated her work at the intersection of art and design. All amazing conferences must eventually end, and we said auf wiedersehen to Berlin in style at Alte Münze. The Berlin 2024 Conference was incredible in so many ways–from outstanding attendance to phenomenal presentations to life-long bonds. Thank you to all of you who made the conference a remarkable success!

Jonathan Capps recreates one of his Blown Away pieces at Berlin Glas.
Our 2024 Saxe Emerging Artists: Priscilla Kar Yee Lo, Sadhbh Mowlds, and Abegael Uffelman
Presenter Jinya Zhao with gaffer Jay Macdonell
No better way to close a GAS Conference than with a dance party!